where the cheese went

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Am Rolling it Down Now: See You at the Other Side

The crowd gathered at dusk for the fireworks spectacle on Canada Day.

Having to work 2 jobs can be a pain in the behind:
  • You commute more often than the regular 9-to-5-ers. Your are always rushing from one location to the next. The only time you get to eat lunch is when you’re riding the subway.
  • You have more bosses to answer to and therefore, by definition, more crap to deal with.
  • Occasionally, you need to sacrifice your weekends to secure your wages.
  • You have to sit through the annual performance evaluation twice.

But, the good parts of working 2 jobs are:
  • You could take vacation-time off at one place to go work at the other place to earn extra wages.
  • You get to have 2 farewell parties, 2 goodbye cards signed by everyone and 2 goodbye presents.
  • You get to have 2 sources of professional references when you look for a new job.
  • You leave with contacts of co-workers who have become your friends and/or your Facebook friends at both places.

Things I shall miss most in Toronto:
  • It goes without saying, my friends.
  • The year-long non-stop arts and cultural scenes.
  • The Toronto Public Library.
  • The convenience of the TTC even though heaps of people complain about its failing services.
  • Spring and fall.
  • Camping out at the deck during the summer nights when my room is smothering hot!
  • The Canadian currency.
  • And many more :)

Many thanks to Monica and Sylvia for inviting me out to join them for the event, Jul 1st :)


Ed said...

How 'bout Greg's Ice-Cream?

elpis said...

... and Winter? what about Winter and snowflakes and Christmas and Santa Claus (whose feelings are hurt by the way) and candy canes, tobogganing, snowball fights, snow angels, hot chocolate on a frosty morning (with marshmallows, of course!), and the sound of hard snow crunching beneath your boots, warm sweaters, seeing your breath in the cold cold air, and let's not forget snowball fights ...

Ann Gan said...

Jobs well done. Give yourself a pad on each shoulder. No more shovelling snow and waiting in freezing temperature.

Missing Buddha said...

Tell me about Greng's ginger and roasted marshmallow flavoured ice-cream! I've been craving for them under this intense Malaysian heat!
FYI, Ms. Mon-nee-ka, one of the few things about winter that I'll be missing-sorry is your cooking! Don't forget, that weight that you've "made" me put last winter.

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