where the cheese went

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Page Under Construction

Hey guys,

Thanks for visiting my blog. Unfortunately, the disarranged layout that you see right now is caused by my attempt to update the look and feel of it. I'd be indebted if you could come back in 4 hours; hopefully, my web-tech illiterate brain will have things more or less pinned down by then. Many thanks!

Siew Ling

Monday, September 19, 2011

An Interview at the Career Fair

This little lady interviewed me at a career fair
For a position her boss had posted on customer service care
She sat down with a sigh, which I’m sure she must be tired
And told me how inept I was after skimming my application
I defended my opportunity by articulating all my experience
Surprised, she put on her glasses to re-read what I’ve written
I agree that you have experience,” said she
But your forte is in media coordination.
I’d like to work in media coordination," said I
Since I’ve a BA in communication.
But recruiters in media coordination would never grant me employment
Since I’ve got no such experience
I’ve only worked in customer care and administration
By which she responded with a smile of a world class beauty queen
Said she’ll forward HR my CV and we’ll have to wait and see
I said "sure thing!" and thanked her for the time that she had spared
Then turned around to realized, who on earth gives a care?
Tough luck keeps twirling and prancing, orbiting in silly circles
Like a dog chasing its tail while the cat contently watches
Will I be a coordinator, a writer or something I'm meant to be?
As long as I remain alive, opportunity might just find me
Then again, reality bites, how more cliché could it get?
I shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn't and daren't count much on it.

Image photographed on 24, October 2010 at TO's Black Creek Village. Time speeds by with edgier than cutting edge bio-engineered turbo wings!