where the cheese went

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I saw this cat leashed to a cage at the apartment block where I live. It stayed there like that for about an afternoon. I’m pretty positive that its owners are the family who lives 2 floors beneath us. And yes, the owners were at home, indoors, dwelling at about 7 feet away from the cat and the cage.

I could empathize if you were walking your cat on a street and had to pop into the video rental store to return some DVDs, which would validate your need to leash your cat to the nearest tree or lamppost. But having it leashed to a cage, where it probably sleeps, and leaving it within close proximity outside of your own compound?


What also baffles me is that the building’s rules actually prohibit pets.

What gives?!


Athena said...

Don't tell me. That's a kitty litter box and kitty bed 2 in one. Poor, poor kitty.

Stage Right said...

Looks like Kitty is thinking if jumping into the gutter would end its misery.

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