where the cheese went

Sunday, May 2, 2010

当青春剩下日记 乌丝就要变成白发

I've had a couple of blogs and journals since 2004, however most of them were discontinued due to reasons such as 'I've grown out of emo-venting' and 'project completed, hence there's no need to track it anymore.'

Life goes on even when we're not blogging and/or leaving our little marks of existence on Facebook. Ironically, it is these marks of existence, as microscopic and virtual as they are, that help make what we did and who we connected with a little more meaningful upon retrospection.

Needless to say, they document our trivial thoughts and mundane actions, in which each respective one is like a grain of sand that assembles the sands of time in our mortal hour glass. Perhaps by looking back at the trail marks that we had left behind with the passage of time, we can come closer to understanding ourselves a little better at a later year or age.

Consider this blog created for my future Self when there comes a time for her, when she needs to and could only find the answers by looking back into her past.


Ed said...

Buddy, you’ve officially moved on from emo to cheese. Don’t get me wrong, I do like cheese better than emo, a hell lot better ;)

Missing Buddha said...

I know, eh! Why else would I name the blog "Where the Cheese Went..." which you couldn't have missed on its URL address?

elpis said...

curiosity killed the cat - and this is what the cat found out: "当青春剩下日记 乌丝就要变成白发" translates to "When the youth will become white hair remaining diary Wu Si" .... ?

I'm so confused, yet moved - so much better than Forrest Gump!

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